In Praise of Specialization...
In general, I need another writing venue about as much as I need a hole in the head. Maybe that's why I need this blog...
Web marketing goo-roo Seth Godin writes that the modern age of the web (and life, in general) is about specialization. It's no good to have a "music site." Nobody cares... music sites are a dime a dozen. How about a music site about reggae music? Still no good. What we actually need... to get to the heart of "what matters," is a level of granularity equivalent to a web site about "Bob Marley's Nose Hair."
The point here being that this site was born out of the fact that my occasional musings about things related to the enneagram-- and specifically to my experience as a Type Nine-- do not belong on any of my other web sites.
So, about these words...
These words are about the direct experience of being an enneagram type Nine. Much has been written about "The Enneagram," but less about individual types. Similarly, much has been written about the enneagram as a teaching to guide people in dealing with their "fixation," but not much has been written merely about the daily interaction between a person and life, from an "enneagrammatic" perspective.
I started studying the enneagram-- originally as a system of "personality types," later as a healing tool-- back in the late 1980's. It has been a helpful tool on my journey... and these are some of my stories.