It is commonly held enneagram "wisdom" that Nines are afraid of (or avoidant of) confrontation. I've been looking at my history and considering why. Is the behavior inherent, or is it learned.
As far as I can tell, it is experiential. That is, my primary reason for avoiding confrontations is that it tends to "end badly"-- for me. Why?
Because arguments/fights/heated discussions tend to be quick-thinking, in-the-moment, spontaneous events. And I royally suck at "thinking on my feet"... that is, my brain is "wired" to think slowly and thoroughly... when I am "required" to come up with something "in the moment" I draw a blank-- another reason why I am really bad at things like Trivial Pursuit or other games that require quick thinking.
What made me think of it is the fact that I am very good at "debating," if I get to do so by email, where there is time to "think about" what I am going to say next. What's more I am not "afraid" of such debates, nor do I "avoid" them.
So, to extrapolate fully, my fear/avoidance of confrontation is primarily related to (a) the "fear" that I won't have a comeback (fact!) when arguing and (b) the avoidance of an "activity" that will inevitably leave me the "losing party."
I simply don't have "the winning argument" till I've had half an hour to think it through. "In the moment," I am tongue-tied and empty headed...
Earlier today, I started tying this to other aspects of Nine behavior, at least as it applies to me.
"Nines don't know what they want." Wrong. I DO know what I want, but it will take me 10 minutes to think it through, and you need (for example, when deciding where to go to lunch) my answer in the next three seconds. I pretty much always know what I want... but I need time to unbury the answer.
That saying... "Speed Kills?" Yeah, that could be applied to my brain...